Article 13116

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Lebedeva Liudmila Gennadievna, Associate Professor, sub-department of sociology and psychology, Samara State University of Economics (141 Sovetskoy Armii street, Samara, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. In various countries, including the “prosperous” ones, there is a concern and anxiety about the problems with social integration and, accordingly, there is a need to investigate possible ways of increasing the level of social cohesion. The aim of this work is to analyze development of intergenerational continuity and social policy in the interests of social solidarity and integration of society and in order to optimize social reproduction of society.
Materials and methods. The study uses a variety of research materials, primarily of sociological origin, by Russian and foreign scholars on the chosen topic. The author analyzes and summarizes materials by J. Alexander, R. Inglehart, M. K. Gorshkov, S. V. Mareeva, O. A. Karmadonov and other authors. The study uses documentary materials of the European Union.
Results. Research materials show that social cohesion and integration of different layers and generations of the Russian society contribute to the values of the state welfare in the first place, assertion of social justice. In the article, on the basis of the secondary analysis of sociological researches, the author analyzes some problems of social policy in terms of their impact on intergenerational continuity and social integration in the social space of the modern Russian society.
Conclusions. Historical circumstances dictate to society and the state a need to conduct a more clearly social policy in the spirit of “social justice” and towards “state welfare”. The values of the state welfare are the objective basis of good relations and harmonious succession of intergenerational continuity in modern Russia, consolidation and integration of the society.

Key words

intergenerational continuity, social reproduction of society, young people, older generations, social justice, integration and disintegration in social space, social state (state welfare).

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Дата создания: 26.08.2016 13:12
Дата обновления: 29.08.2016 16:24